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How Does Loneliness Affect Mental Health - Suicidal Thoughts

Beverley Stewart • January 21, 2024

How Does Loneliness Affect Mental Health - Suicidal Thoughts


An Australian research study in 2021 (HILDA) showed that one in five of us agree that we “often feel very lonely”. This is concerning given the association that has been identified between loneliness and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This association is often affected by individual, social and cultural factors. Of course, every person is different. Many people who have suicidal thoughts don’t experience loneliness, and many who are lonely never think about suicide. So why does loneliness sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts? 

Over recent years the issue of loneliness has received an increase in attention worldwide.  Both the U.K. and Japan now even have a “Minister for Loneliness” to address this troubling situation.  Of course, Covid lockdowns across the globe lead to all of us being forced to isolate from others - but loneliness was being identified as a real issue prior to this. Sadly, but maybe not surprisingly, research has now shown that there is a correlation between loneliness and suicidal thoughts and behaviours in some people. There is some evidence that suggests this most often occurs in women 16-25 and those over 58. For most, there is also a great deal of stigma associated with loneliness and this is a major barrier to seeking help. Let’s face it – who wants to admit that they're lonely? Learning more about loneliness and suicide can help you, or show you how to help someone you know who is struggling.

Contributing Factors

Understandably, feeling isolated and disconnected from others can lead us to a sense of hopelessness and desperation. The presence of co-existing mental health issues, drug and alcohol use, as well as financial hardship can also play a role. It’s important to keep in mind that loneliness can be a significant factor, but it’s rarely the sole cause of suicidal thoughts. That being said, below are some identified aspects of loneliness that can contribute to us having thoughts about suicide: 

  • Lack of Protective Factors: Those experiencing loneliness have reduced “protective factors” eg. social support, a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose, family, faith, community engagement, mental health access, work or school etc. These things provide us with a reason for living. Loneliness diminishes these protective factors, leaving us more vulnerable to suicidal ideation. 

  • Emotional Pain: Loneliness can lead to profound emotional pain, which may become overwhelming for some. This sense of despair and hopelessness can play a significant role in the development of suicidal thoughts.

  • Biological Factors: Loneliness and social isolation have been associated with changes in the brain and body, including increased levels of stress hormones. These physiological changes may contribute to the development of mental health issues, including depression and suicidal thoughts.

  • Distorted Thinking and Problem Solving Ability: Loneliness can contribute to distorted thinking patterns, where we struggle to see alternatives or solutions to our problems. With an inability to focus and concentrate on paths to positive outcomes, we find it difficult to see beyond our current struggles. Our negativity bias may lead us to see only one solution. This cognitive distortion can make suicide seem like the only way out of the emotional pain of loneliness.

  • Feeling a Burden: When we’re lonely we may feel that, not only is our presence in the world not valued, but that we’re a burden to others. This perception can intensify our feelings of hopelessness and contribute to thoughts about relieving others of this supposed burden. Having the sense that no one cares about us can be shattering. 

  • Lack of Coping Resources: Social connections often provide coping resources for when we face difficult life circumstances or emotional struggles. Loneliness means fewer coping resources exist for us. We may find our ability to think clearly, engage in a routine, maintain our physical health, regulate our emotions, or communicate with others about how we’re suffering - just isn’t possible. This makes it painfully hard to reach out to others for help when we need it. With limited coping resources and skills, it can be very challenging for us to manage our emotional distress and thoughts of suicide. 

All these factors can contribute to the development of suicidal thoughts in relation to our loneliness. It’s important that we recognise when any of these risk factors are present so we can address them. Of critical importance is that we all know it’s okay to ask for help and that you are not alone. There is always someone that wants to listen and wants to help. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your healthcare professional, or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14

In The End:

At some stage in life, we all experience loneliness. It's in those solitary moments when we’re alone with ourselves that we can be led down dangerous paths. The most dangerous path for some can be suicidal thinking. But remember, if we do take the wrong path, we just need to get the hell out of there! 

We also need to watch for those damaging thoughts that cause us to question our existence. Should we be here? Yes! We should be here! And we do belong somewhere. We just need to extend our hand to others, build genuine connections and rise out of this despair. Have hope and reach out – your life is waiting.

For immediate assistance Call Lifeline on 13 11 14.  To find out more about Loneliness Counselling click here, for help with Depression click here Or go to Contact Page to make an enquiry. 

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