(8) Expectation-Reality Discrepancy:
Unrealistic expectations about how Christmas should unfold can greatly contribute to feelings of disappointment and loneliness. If the reality of our Christmas experience doesn’t meet our ideal, it can lead us to a sense of emptiness, and we can feel lonely as a result.
For example, you may have grown up in a close-knit family where Christmas was always a grand celebration, full of fancy decorations, a large gathering for Christmas lunch, and a tree piled high with brightly wrapped gifts for all. Christmas felt warm, happy, and had a strong sense of togetherness.
Now on Christmas Day, you might find yourself alone at home. There’s a little plastic tree leaning against the wall in the corner – not how you remember the Christmas trees of your childhood. You might try to recreate some of your Mum’s traditional Christmas dishes, but It’s just not the same. No one visits and you have nowhere to go. You sit in silence, feeling alone.
The stark contrast between our idealized Christmas experience from our past and our current reality of being alone, gives us a sense of loneliness. We might long for the companionship and atmosphere we remembered from our younger years. The discrepancy between what we expected, and the actual experience intensifies our feelings of isolation and leaves us with a sense of not measuring up to our own nostalgic standards.